Monday, September 10, 2012

A Rant Of What Is On My Mind

I started my day out by watching last night's season finale of Army Wives.  I really do like the show.  I have bonded with the characters over the years.  The story lines in each episode touch me.  This episode touched me greatly.  

I have watched other episodes of the Soldiers being sent off at Fort Marshall for their deployment.  I cried then too.  This one though brought more than just tears.  My heart ached.  You know it didn't just ache for ached for all you Mothers out there too.  I have been so fortunate to come across so many incredible Mom's online that my heart ached for you all too.  I sat thinking of the millions of people watching the show with dry eyes.  People that watch it just cause it is "entertainment."  So many people watch it and do not relate to the story lines personally.  So many are just not aware of the sacrifices that take place every day within a Military family.  

Often times friends will ask my "Why do you watch and put yourself through that?"  If I share a sad You Tube video about a Soldier people will post, "It brings me too much pain to watch."   I read every post from the Department of Defense when our Country has suffered a casualty.  I watch nearly every video that is posted of a fallen Soldier returning home.  

Why do I do this?  

How can I not?  That lost life is someone's son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, and/or friend.  When it comes right down to it...if it were my son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, and/or friend...I would want EVERYONE to take the time to watch and remember and respect the life lost.  

When Denise on Army Wives lost her son, Jeremy, Oh my God I hated the show makers!  I promised to never ever watch that damn show ever again!  Well you can see that didn't last.  I went 2 weeks and ended up watching what I had missed online to catch up.  

I am a very emotional sappy worry wart person.  I admit that.  Being that way also makes me feel not only my pain, but the pain of others.  If that is wrong, than as the saying goes, "I don't want to be right."  Having compassion and being able to share each others pain is something that we all need to do a bit more of I think.  

I had a conversation with our son way back where I told him that I worry about him in the Army, but that he needs to understand I would worry about him if he was still out back playing trucks in the sand pile.  It is who I am.  It isn't something that is going to change.    Us Army Mom's take on a really big tough job when those sons and daughters of ours raises their right hand and swears in.  

I can't apologize for my emotional sappy start to my day.  To apologize would mean I am sorry for it...and I am not.  Crying at something that touches our soul is what keeps us real and keeps us who we are.  I am okay with who I am.  I just think I should have bought stock in Kleenex years ago!  :)  

What triggers your emotional days?  What helps you deal with them?  Surely I can't be the only silly sappy Army Mom!!

Sending you, your family and your Soldier lots of love and support.
Love, Faith

1 comment:

  1. Army wives makes me cry every time i watch it -to especially when Jeremy died. This time it was even harder knowing my son will soon deploy and everything that means. It is great to have a community of mothers and military family who are there to support one another. I know i will definitely need to talk with others in the same situation while my son is away. I thank god for all of the people willing to sacrifice for their country!
