Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Always Remember and Never Forget

On this Patriot Day, September 11th, I am taking the time to reflect, remember and honor just like I am sure all of you are today.  11 years later the day hits me with such raw emotion.  Sadness for the lives lost on that dreadful day in NYC, Pennsylvania and at The Pentagon.  We all remember the horrible images played out on our television screens.  The moments when those Towers each fell and I sat watching I just kept asking "Is this real?"  My mind just couldn't wrap around what I was seeing.  In our Country.  On American soil.  Is this really happening?  

Though the day brings back many sad memories, I also remember that day and the days immediately following as ones that showed the uprise of great unity and pride in our Country.  Candlelight ceremonies, lines of those donating blood, countless number of volunteers doing what they could to help those in need.  We all came together directly following this day.  If only we as a nation, could hold on to those feelings each and every day.  

My boys were 11 and 9 when the 911 attacks took place.  I didn't shelter them from the images on the television.  We all sat and watched the news channels for days on end it seemed.  I didn't know for sure what was all taking place, but I knew we were watching history in the making.  I knew that from that day forward our country was not going to be the same again.  They are part of what is called "The 911 Generation."  Here it is 11 years later...that generation has seen our country in more years of War than not.  It is their generation that now volunteers at unprecedented numbers to serve and protect our country in our Military forces.  

As I sit here and type it is now 9:37am....the exact time The Pentagon was struck....I pause now for a moment of silence....

I am watching the ceremony at The Pentagon televised live.  As they just said on the broadcast, not a day goes by that those serving in the Military and/or working at The Pentagon forget the events of 911.  For those serving our country it is that day and those events that are the driving force behind their reasons for joining and defending.  Their sacrifices come so that those of here at home can find strength and courage in knowing that because of those men and women doing their jobs, we all are safer here at home.  They are doing all they can to ensure that we will not be attacked  in such a way ever again on American soil.  

It gives me great pride to have a son serving and doing his part in keeping not just his family, but every one in this country a bit safer.  When he made the decision to join the Army he didn't do so with the hope of making a better life just for himself....he did it with the hope of making it a better life for all of us.  

So on this day, Patriot Day, hug a little tighter, love a little more, smile more often, and make it a day that you show our true American Spirit.  

Always sending lots of love and support,

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