Thursday, September 13, 2012

Our World

With all the happenings in Lybia and Egypt yesterday and today I have found myself doing lots of thinking and wondering.  The scenes unfolding on the news broadcasts are very disturbing and unsettling.  Watching images of our American Flag being torn to shreds, burned, and replaced with a flag that represents an organization that hates our Country is just so hard to see. 

I find myself with 2 biggest things twisting and turning in my mind.  First, it makes me wonder why our cultures and countries are at odds?  I have to admit that I haven't ever until today really taken the time to read up on the Muslim and Islamic faith, beliefs and culture.  Second, seeing the images of the last 2 days worries me as an Army Mom.  Every time I hear of an uprising or a protest or violence on the news my mind instantly wonders  if our own Military men and women will be called upon to intervene. 

A high school friend of mine, Christine, asked today the famous question, "Why can't we all just get along?"

I really do not know exactly why we all can't, but I do believe we all won't get along.  It seems that hatred, wars, and battles has been around since the dawn of time.  Do I wish and pray for peace?  Oh hek yes I do.  Do I really belief I will see it in my lifetime?  No, sadly I do not. 

I have to believe that our Country has the best of intentions.  I have to believe that where we are in foreign countries that we are doing good.  I have to believe that we are helping more people than hurting.  I have to believe these things in order to be at a somewhat level of peace in sending my own son off to war.   I  hope that in time we will start to see positive changes from the things that are happening today in our World.

Today I send you, your family, and your Soldier not only love and support, but also a wish for peace.  



  1. I believe peace might be a possibility once the world's populace is educated. The strong prey on the weak and uneducated to manipulate them to do their will. After having read Two Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools both by Greg Mortenson, one can see the positive benefits of education.

  2. Hello Army mom-I'm also an army mom and I happened upon your blog while searching for something else. Great Blog! I have been watching and learning about Islam for the past 25 years. I will make no bones about it- it is NOT a peaceful religion. I am not an Islamaphobic or anything of the sort. I look for truth. It is high time that every single American begin to investigate for themselves what exactly this religion of "peace" is all about. Their agenda is clear, it has been clear for thousands of years-they have never wavered from their goals of Islamization of the entire world. Look at the countries that have left them unchecked - France and the UK for example. There are some areas now that a non-muslim cannot even live anymore. Many people want desperately to believe we can have peace with these people- they might as well also believe in the tooth-fairy. This is not my opinion-this is the reality we are now facing. This rage we see now is not about a film! That is what some want us to believe. Anyone that disagrees with that needs to open up their eyes and do some investigation. the past 25 years of my life I've been watching and investigating and I have to say-I'm now seeing my worst fears realized. There is a current video by Michelle Bachmann on Youtube (by the way I have no political agenda-I don't even live or vote in the USA)

    She gives some important information about the agenda of Islam. There are also many X-muslims that are speaking out one in particular is a brave woman:

    I promised myself that I would do my utmost to educate people where-ever and whenever I could, about the truth of Islam. Anyhow- even a blind man should be able to see the truth as it unfolds before our eyes now...

    God help us if we continue to live in a fairy-tale world.


    p.s.-I tried to publish this under my blog but I keep getting listed as "anon"-My blog is Midlife In Japan
